It has been six years since the publication of Aiming High: Black Deaf Professionals with Doctorates. The book was inspired by a panel discussion that I hosted of nine of the 13 known deaf African Americans who held doctoral degrees during a Black History Month program in 2012. The panelist stories-nuanced and inspiring provided an intimate glimpse into the myriad of ways in which these individuals overcame obstacles to achieve their dreams.
A cursory review of the literature reveals scant data surrounding the factors that contribute to the underachievement of this population. The goal of the Black Deaf Ph.D. Project, LLC is to understand the experiences and challenges that Black deaf people still navigate, including systemic forms of oppressions (i.e., racism, audism, sexism, and classism) within higher education and how these oppressions influence their college choice, access, experiences and success. The timing of this second edition couldn't"t be more poignant.
In 1849, French writer and critic Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr coined the adage translated in English as "the more things change, the more they stay the same." As I began to compile and formulate ideas related to the second edition, the world was in crisis. From COVID-19 to the reckless murders of Black men and women at the hands of police to increasing income inequality, 2020 has truly illuminated not how far humanity has come but how much work is left to do to ensure a more just and inclusive world for all.
Copyright by Dr. McCaskill. Published by the Black Deaf Ph.D. Project, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this book or apparel may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the copyright owner.
Black Deaf Professional with Doctorates

1st & 2nd Edition
Black Deaf Professional Doctorates
Dr. David James
Dr. Glenn B. Anderson
Dr. Carolyn D.McCaskill
Dr. Khafijat Rashid
Dr. Ernest E. Hairston, Jr.
Dr. Laurene E. Simms
Dr. Angela P. McCaskill
Dr. Elizabeth Moore
Dr. Nefitiri Fellows
Dr. Simon Guteng
Dr. Joseph C. Hill
Dr. Shirley Allen

Freshly Minted:
Introducing the Newest
Black deaf Doctorates
Dr. Kojo Amissah
Duane Halliburton, JD
Dr. Claudia Gordon, JD
Dr. Liann Osborne, Ed.D.
O. Sontonwa, LL.B, BL., LL.M., LP.D.
Dr. Aleisa Howard -Allen
Dr. Onudeah Nicolarakis, Ph.D.
Dr. Resent Moges-Ridel, Ed.D.
Olugbenga Aina, LL.B, BL, MSW

"It always seems impossible
until it's done"
Nelson Mandela
Get in touch to learn more about the Black Deaf Ph.D. Project LLC.
14605 Elm Street
Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20773
(240) 455-5129